Pressure testing is one of the most common forms of quality testing. At Creative Pathways nothing is more important than the quality of our parts. For this reason, we have our own pressure testing department that is certified to perform to the highest standards. 

Helium Leak Detection

Among the most stringent of leak testing methods, helium leak detection can locate the tiniest crack in an otherwise flawless assembly. Cleanroom helium leak testing is available.

Hydrostatic Leak Testing

One of the most common forms of leak testing, hydrostatic testing is conducted by pressurizing the part with water in order to locate any imperfections and leaks.

Water Submersible Leak Detection

To conduct a submersible leak detection test the part is first pressurized using nitrogen gas and then submersed in a tank of water. Should the part be faulty or damaged the gas will escape from the defect, allowing the operator to easily locate it. Water submersible leak testing is a effective way to visually locate any manufacturing defects.